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Leave Without Pay


无薪休假是指有理由的无薪休假,持续时间超过10个工作日,但不超过6个月. 在其他任何适用的假期不能休假的情况下,可因个人原因给予无薪假期, including one of the college's leave plans, FMLA or Massachusetts Paid 家庭 and Medical Leave.

无薪休假是一种特权,涉及到你和你所在部门的责任, and it is therefore not granted automatically or as a courtesy. In recommending a leave without pay, 你所在的院系声称,他们会照顾你的缺席,并保留你的职位,因为你的服务对院系和学院都有特殊的价值. 反过来,你必须保证你将在假期结束后重返工作岗位. Under certain circumstances, 与通知, 一个人可能会被要求从批准的无薪休假中提前返回.


如果你已经在学校连续工作至少12个月,并且是全职或全职以上的工作, 你有资格申请连续六个月的无薪假.

If you hold a limited-term or temporary position, 或者你在学校连续工作不到12个月, or work less than half time, you are not eligible for leave without pay.

Terms and Conditions

有时, 不可避免的情况或特殊的机会可能会发生,需要你在连续几周或几个月的时间里全神贯注. If you need to take time off from work, 你应该首先利用所有可用的带薪时间来弥补你的缺勤. After all your paid time has been used, you may request a leave without pay for the following reasons:

  • prolonged illness or injury;
  • personal problems or family obligations;
  • education related to your career at Smith College;
  • 其他不包括在其他大学假期计划中的紧急情况


Length and Frequency of Leave Without Pay

The length of a leave without pay is determined on an individual basis as circumstances warrant; however, 连续六个月以上的假期通常不予批准.  Please note the following:

  • 最初批准的无薪休假少于六个月的,可在期满前延长,最多可延长六个月.
  • For academic-year employees, 夏季月份和休学期间算作连续六个月的一部分.  
  • 无薪假不能用来延长产假的时间, 采用, or family leave, and may not be split between two academic years.

If you are granted a leave without pay, 你必须连续工作满两年才有资格申请另一次无薪休假.

Effect of Leave Without Pay on Paid Time Off and 好处

While on leave without pay, you continue to earn personal time. You do not accrue sick leave or vacation, and you are not entitled to recess pay, 休假工资, bereavement leave, jury duty leave, or any other paid leave. Upon your return to work, 假期和病假应计额将按休假开始时的有效费率恢复.

You may retain membership in the college's group health, 牙科, 生活, 以及无薪休假期间的长期残疾保险计划. 学院将停止其缴费,您必须承担您希望继续的任何计划的全部保费支付费用.  No retirement contributions will be made. 在无薪休假期间,通常不提供学费补贴.

Return from Leave Without Pay

在你休假期间,你在学院的职位将被保留,无薪. 你应该在休假结束后重返工作岗位.

你应在指定的回校日期前至少两星期与你的主管或部门主管联络,以确认你回校的安排. 休假后未返回工作岗位者将被终止雇佣关系.

Review of Leave Without Pay Requests

A leave without pay is not an entitlement. 对您的请求的审查将包括考虑您的服务和绩效记录以及部门的需求和限制. 你的部门主管没有义务建议无薪休假,如果休假会给部门造成业务问题或给其他工作人员造成不必要的困难. 

如果你的部门不能满足你的无薪休假要求, you may have to resign from the college. 然而, if you are subsequently rehired, 如果您符合恢复以前服务时间中列出的标准,您以前的服务时间将恢复.

Application Procedures

An Application for Leave Without Pay form must be completed as soon as the need for the leave is known, 但一般不得少于申请开始休假日期前30天. 你可以从人力资源办公室获得这份申请表. Submit the completed form to your department head. 无薪休假的申请必须与你的主管和部门主管讨论. 必须解决的问题包括拟议的休假对部门工作量和同事的影响.  

If your department head supports your request, 他/她将正式确定休假条件或调整后的时间表,并将请求转交适当的高级工作人员和人力资源厅.  

The Office of Human Resources, in consultation with the senior staff member, is responsible for approving leaves without pay. 如果您的请求被批准,人力资源部将确认休假的期限和期限.

When you receive confirmation, 你应该联系人力资源办公室,讨论你休假期间的福利保障和支付程序. 为了将无薪假期延长到原来的期限之外(但通常不超过六个月), 你必须向你的部门主管提交一份书面申请或填写一份新的申请表格.  在咨询了你的部门主管和高级职员之后, 人力资源办公室将以书面形式通知你无薪休假的任何延期或变更.