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College Conduct Board

大学行为委员会确保学生坚持学生道德和行为标准概述 Student H和book. 委员会听取涉嫌违反非学术规则的案件,并对案件的结果作出决定. Academic infractions are h和led by the Academic Honor Board.

About the Board

委员会以5名成员组成的小组审理案件. 每个听证委员会都有一名顾问协助,该顾问是学生事务人员中的一员. 行为委员会使用学生行为准则和学校的政策来评估它面前的案件. 对于被投诉学生的每一个单独的违规行为,委员会成员应进行审议,并就是否承担责任的决定达成共识. 因此,举证责任更有可能对违法行为负责.

学生行为准则期望每个学生的行为和行动将有助于一个以个人诚信为特征的社区, 尊重, 以及对学生行为的影响和影响的关注. 学生 are encouraged to be familiar with the Student H和book 和 Code of Conduct, 并且应该意识到,这份清单并不是详尽或完整的禁止行为清单.



会员资格只适用于学术和学科地位良好的学生, 在澳门葡京博彩软件大学至少修满64个学分,并且至少有一个学期的在校生. 行为委员会不应超过二十(20)名学生,至少应包括七(7)名学生.

Call for Members

The application for Conduct Board membership is currently closed. For questions about the conduct board, or the application process, students are encouraged to contact the chair of the conduct board.

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Frequently Asked 问题

这些信息是为了帮助学生解决他们可能对大学行为委员会和司法程序有疑问. It is designed to answer general questions. 学生 should consult the Student H和book for more definitive information. In all cases, 学生手册和类似的大学出版物是大学政策的权威来源.

The College Conduct Board is comprised of a group of 坚持澳门葡京博彩软件的政策、法规和道德标准的学生. There are three types of conduct hearings进行董事会听证、行政听证和行政和解. The College Conduct Board upholds all non-academic college policies, particularly those involving student conduct. 因此,董事会处理所有违反非学术政策和法规的行为.

一名学生出现在委员会面前,因为他们可能违反了学校的政策. 被认为违反大学政策的行为清单可以在学生手册中找到 Code of Student Conduct. (This list is not exhaustive.)

Anyone can file a complaint against a student. 通常,校园安全和/或宿舍生活工作人员将向董事会提出投诉. 如果学生认为发生了违反学校政策的行为,也可以将另一名学生带到委员会面前.

No, the Conduct Board reserves the right to RECOMMEND the suspension, dismissal or permanent separation of a student. However, only the dean of the college can ultimately make that decision.

A hearing consists of five board members 和 one adviser. The person bringing the complaint (complainant) 董事会成员有机会向董事会陈述他/她对事件的看法, present witnesses, 和 be questioned. After that, the subject of the complaint (respondent) 是否有机会陈述他们对事件的看法、介绍证人、接受询问等. Overall, an average hearing takes less than two hours.

In most cases, parents will not be notified of a student’s violation. If the student, 然而, 从事的行为不仅使学生,而且使其他人处于危险之中, parents may be notified. Additionally, 如果发现未成年学生违反了学校的饮酒规定, the student's parents may be notified. In all cases, 通知家长的决定由学生主任或学院院长决定.

After a hearing, 董事会成员进行讨论,如果他们认为发生了违规行为, 决定什么样的行动可以为学生提供最好的教育手段. The board does not want to “punish” someone, but rather provide a means of education through sanctioning. 如果是轻微的违法行为,通常会选择社区服务或其他活动. If the student, 然而, commits a more serious violation, a period of probation may also be included. During the period of probation, if a student is found responsible for violating college policies, they are likely to receive more serious sanctioning,其中可能包括停职、解雇或永久离职的建议.

学生可以选择一名指导老师参加听证会,以寻求安慰和建议. 在听证会期间,顾问不允许向董事会发言.

董事会和学生事务办公室记录了学生在澳门葡京博彩软件大学的整个职业生涯以及毕业后七年的违规行为和听证会. 在大多数情况下,违规行为不会在学生的成绩单上注明.

每个制裁都是专门为学生和他们的个人需求而设计的. 委员会评估每项投诉的严重性,并根据听证会上提供的信息决定制裁. 其他影响制裁过程的因素包括:学生从这次经历中学到了多少, is the student likely to repeat the violation, 某些制裁是帮助还是阻碍学生在澳门葡京博彩软件社区取得成功的能力.

Yes, all hearings are confidential. Throughout the hearing, 如果委员会在审议过程中需要听取听证的某些部分,或者学生决定对委员会的最终决定提出上诉,则会录制数字录音. 有关个案的统计资料,可联络学生事务处主任,电话

If a student does not complete their sanctioning, 学生可能会被指控不遵守规定,并可能被要求出席董事会听证会或与董事会顾问会面.

If a violation or complaint has been filed, there is no way to avoid a hearing scheduled by the board. The easiest method is to simply attend the scheduled hearing. If you believe that the final decision of the board is unfair, you can file an appeal with the dean of students within seven 业务 days of the board’s final decision. The appeal process can be found in the SGA Bylaws.

Julianne Ohotnicky | Associate Vice President of Campus Life 和 Dean of 学生

Becky Shaw | Associate Dean of 学生, Advisor to the Board

Hannah Durrant | Director of Residence Life, Hearing Adviser

Marge Litchford | Assistant Dean of 学生, Hearing Adviser

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