

澳门葡京博彩软件“致力于创造一个包容的, equitable and accessible educational community founded on the free and open exchange of ideas.” 1 Among the central purposes of such a community are the acquisition and transmission of knowledge, cultivation of the creative and critical faculties of the human intellect, 艺术:通过艺术表达思想和情感, and the development of aesthetic sensitivity and appreciation. Academic freedom is of paramount value in such a community. 正如AAUP所述, “[i]nstitutions of higher education are conducted for the common good and not to further the interest of either the individual teacher or the institution as a whole. The common good depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition. Academic freedom is essential to these purposes and applies to both teaching and research.” 2

相应的, the faculty of 澳门葡京博彩软件 may pursue freely any subject of intellectual or artistic inquiry and shall not be subject to censorship, 纪律或恐吓. 教师 are entitled to full freedom in creative work and research, 通过出版来分享结果, 表演及展览. 在教室里, faculty are similarly free to determine the relevant content and manner of learning for the subject matter of their expertise, 符合专业标准. “Academic freedom in its teaching aspect is fundamental for the protection of rights of the teacher in teaching and of the student to freedom in learning. 它带有与权利相关的义务.” 3 The academic freedom of teachers carries with it “special responsibilities” 4 to observe professional ethics, as noted in the AAUP’s 1966 Statement on Professional Ethics. 教师 are also entitled to speak out on matters of institutional governance.

When members of the faculty speak or act as individuals and not as representatives of 澳门葡京博彩软件, they may write and speak on any matter and be free from punitive action by the College. 教职员工应该意识到这一点, 然而, “that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. 因此, 它们在任何时候都应该是准确的, 应该保持适当的克制, should show respect for the opinions of others and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.” 5

学术自由不仅适用于教师,也适用于学生. AAUP policy defines students’ freedom to learn as “depend[ing] upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, 在校园里, 在更大的社区里.” Like faculty, “students should exercise their freedom with responsibility.” 6

与学术自由的概念有关, 澳门葡京博彩软件 endorses freedom of thought and expression in accordance with the laws and Constitution of the United States. 在大学里, 就像整个社会一样, freedom of speech and expression is not absolute: speech that is libelous, 诽谤的, incites to riot or is unlawfully harassing is not protected. 除了, speech directed at persons with intent to cause substantial injury is not protected by academic freedom. 进一步, in accordance with applicable law and 澳门葡京博彩软件 values, members of the Smith community are expected to maintain an environment that ensures equal opportunity to pursue learning for all its members. 社会工作学院的, freedom of speech and expression is informed additionally by the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education and by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Work.

Freedom of speech and expression extends to invited guests of the College. Once members of the Smith community extend an invitation, others may not abridge the speaker’s freedom of expression. 演讲者的反对者, 在同样的光线下, may make their views known in various ways consistent with the College’s standards of conduct, so long as they do not interfere with a speaker’s ability to make their views known, 或者与他人倾听和学习的权利.

In affirming the principles of academic freedom and free expression described above, the College recognizes that its faculty and students are subject to applicable state and federal laws. 除了, faculty and staff are obliged to follow Smith employee policies, which shall be consistent with this statement and the principles expressed herein.


  1. 澳门葡京博彩软件价值观,使命宣言,检索于2017年.11.《课程目录2017-18》第14页.6.
  2. 美国学术协会学术自由政策1940年,1970年修订,2017年检索.11.14.
  3. Id.
  4. Id.
  5. Id.
  6. 美国澳门葡京博彩软件联合会关于学生权利和自由的联合声明, 2018年访问.1.26.